Yes I know it’s been ages, but since I last blogged I’ve had a lot of ‘life’ to contend with. Back on track now, well at least until the next curve ball crops up! So I thought I’d just give brief(ish) highlights …
Voted on the budget in February – not easy, and time will tell whether or not we’ve got it right.
Still on a range of committees – Audit, Area 1, Equalities, amongst others. With the latter hoping to use it to give more active support with the LGBT Forum. Lots of positives happening especially with same sex marriages now being legal – did you know they’ve been campaigning for this since 1992?!
Very active with Swansea Bay Fair Credit and on scrutiny group looking at how to combat payday loans and their like. Continue to promote LASA, the local credit union, as the best alternative. I make no apologies for plugging them as they have so much more going for them – don’t just offer affordable loans, but also help people to save, provide free life insurance, and long term aims include giving same services as banks like ISAs etc.
Did some training in Social Media which answered a few questions. Trouble is I never have time to try them out!
Carried on doing my ward surgeries – good way of meeting residents with and without issues, and keeping in touch with those working in the Phoenix Centre, or who call in to use the cafĂ©.
Well that’s a decent enough run through of activities which I’m sure will keep you going til next month. So from now on do look out for my blog at the beginning of each month.