Change of leader - different style but same priorities, with a continued aim to help some of the less well off areas of Swansea. So it's been an interesting month!
Not that busy council wise for me. Had a week off in the middle (bowls widow, although be warned if you watch too many matches it does get a bit addictive!) Instead it was more of a 'political' month.
Certainly the Scottish Referendum livened things up a bit. Apart from anything else what a fantastic turnout - if only we could get people as engaged at election times. And whilst I really can understand, empathise even, with those who voted 'yes', I was so glad that the majority said 'no'.
I also had a really positive day out in Manchester, going to a Movement for Change meeting. As you know I have been a staunch member of the Swansea Bay Fair Credit group, which has been trying to curb some of the more dubious practices of certain payday loan companies. At this event a young mother from Swansea was awarded Activist of the Year for her part in fighting her corner, and encouraging others to seek alternative ways of getting loans. A group of women refugees were also inspiring, who gave their harrowing stories with such dignity. On the plus side some of us managed to find a decent eatery and a lovely pub. On the downside was the 10 hours of travel the so called 'executive' coach, possibly the most uncomfortable bone shaker ever!