October was an encouraging settling-in period for our new leader. As I said in an earlier blog, different style but same aims. One change is that we now have cross-party Cabinet Advisory Committees, and I am looking forward to getting involved on the two I am on. At first glance it certainly looks like it will give us backbenchers more of a feeling that we are contributing.
In ward context I managed to have a fruitful meeting with my colleagues, albeit 'busy' as it was during a ward surgery. Usually a quieter session, but of course on this occasion everyone turned up with their various issues!
The most inspiring event of the month was definitely listening to some of the cast - all local to Townhill - talking about their experiences being involved in the TV series Lovely Ugly Swansea. This was part of the Dylan Thomas celebrations, as in the programmes where they put on a variation of his Under Milk Wood - indeed a very fitting tribute to the man.