The last couple of months have been very hectic and some of you may well have noticed that we are now well into March. So this is a double dose for you to take all at once!
Why so hectic? Mainly as the topic in council over the recent months has been the budget, with additional meetings, consulting both staff & the public, reviewing all feedback, and finally putting a proposal together. This has been a long slog but of course a very important one. Now the trick is to make it work!
But the rest of council has continued regardless, requiring me to attend a number of my usual meetings. (I've tried to give myself a complete contrast by rejoining my choir - trouble is that's been hard work too!) And just to make life even more interesting, councillors & certain officers have moved out of the Civic Centre into the Guildhall. I do try to make sure I've got the right place in my diary but have already been to the wrong building for a meeting!
So arguably the word 'hectic' is a bit of an understatement!