Apologies for the lack of blog - been very busy, particularly in April, leading up to the General Election. And there was also a By-Election in the ward I represent, Townhill, where one of my fellow councillors stood down, so all in all very hectic. Since May 7th it's been a long slow return to normal (and I did sneak a very restful week off!)
During March & April I still aimed & managed to attend meetings where possible, including the two Cabinet Advisory Committees (CACs) that I am on. These have been set up to give support to cabinet members in the work they need to be doing to effectively carry out their portfolios. Over the last few months these committees have been gradually taking shape, and at the same time they have certainly helped me, as a back bencher, to have a better understanding of what particular portfolios are.
I also believe is a good way of making the cabinet system
work more openly as it has potentially opened up involvement in council business to all councillors. I now have the opportunity to have a say in the areas covered by the two committees I am on. And in this way I am hoping to use the relevant CAC to help further the 'behind the scenes' work I have been doing on an issue that I feel strongly about, that of tackling flytipping. As with other areas in Swansea it adversely affects the ward not just visually but in giving an impression of an area not cared for which is so unfair to residents. But I also realise it needs to be looked at not just by itself but together with everything relating to waste management. I will keep you posted on any progress that I make on this project - but it will no doubt be a very long haul!
Quite recently the actual way councils in Wales are set up has been a topic of debate, with a Welsh Government White Paper going out for consultation. I had a very useful discussion with my own AM which provided me with much food for thought, and enabled me to give a considered response to the questionnaire - whilst feedback won't necessarily make a difference I believe you should say what you think when given the opportunity. We will see what the future of local government in Wales turns out to be, so again do continue to watch this space!!