And quite remarkably in March I had another 'first time' experience as convenor/chair on a Scrutiny Working Party which was looking at Digital Inclusion. Quite few issues were raised in asking whether with the increase in use of smart phones, I-pads etc is the council inadvertently leaving some people excluded, and/or doing enough to 'get people online' where possible. In theory these working parties just take up one meeting but it's quite possible that the topic will be revisited later in the year.
For the city as a whole it was really pleasing that the long awaited City Deal, which will benefit 4 local authorities across South to West Wales to the tune of £1.3 billion, was finally signed in Swansea by the PM.

As with any project of this size a lot of hard work has been done behind the scenes to get this off the ground, but many will say that the real work starts now. And of course there will be setbacks along the way but one gets the feeling that a lot of enthusiasm has been created by it, so it looks likely that all those involved will make every effort to ensure it succeeds.
And as well as the usual council meetings, the Friends of Mayhill Washing Lake & Community Food Garden have met quite a few times. It's been a very long time coming, but things are suddenly starting to happen. It's so encouraging how many people of taking an interest, both in looking after the pond area to keep it looking good as a picnic site, and in developing a food garden which will also benefit those in the surrounding community.