Much of April & early May was taken up with door knocking, to encourage people to vote in the local election on 4th May - a lot of hard work but at least I had my reward by being re-elected. Nonetheless I had a smattering of meetings including Governors, and full council. Plus we had our annual photo taken - rather special as some would not be returning after May 4th.
I also went to something very rewarding at Dylan Thomas School, as I attended the launch of BandAlong, an excellent idea of getting all year 7 pupils to take up an instrument with a view to performing sometime in the summer term. I was amazed at how much progress was made in just a short time, and impressed how the teacher seemed to get the best out of everyone. There were lots of giggles initially - only natural when they tried and usually failed first time at getting a note - but all those who took part honestly gave their all. Quite inspiring!
In the first few weeks of a new term a lot of time is spent on induction for new councillors and refresher training for ones carrying on. It's also when all councillors are allocated to various committees, and I have accepted to go on Licensing - again a first. Training this week and a meeting next week, so will let you know how I get on, and whatever else I've been doing, in my next blog.