Thursday, 13 July 2017

Getting Back into the Flow

A bit late with my blog for last month.  But the last few weeks, since the beginning of the new council 5 year term, has been pretty busy with training, as well as some meetings continuing as normal.

I remain on most of the committees as before but with a couple of newbys, Licensing bring one.  This covers moreorless every type of licence you can think of, from food & drink, HMOs, street trading - you name it, we deal with it.  So far meetings have been about making decisions on taxi and hackney cab issues, but it's early days as I am sure my remit will broaden in time.  In any event it has been quite interesting reviewing a person's entitlement to a licence, when taking into account their circumstances.

As school governor, you may recall in my last blog

I mentioned going to Dylan Thomas School's BandAlong launch - a music project to get all of year 7 involved in forming a band.  Well, last month I went to the Summer Concert to see the outcome.  Astounding I think is one word for it, when you realise the fantastic progress they had made in such a short space of time.  They made as good a sound as many other amateur orchestras I've ever heard in the past.  I'm sure I've said this before but kids & young people never do cease to amaze me!
