May is the month for the annual council AGM but also when the new Lord Mayor gets sworn in. at Ceremonial council. This includes a lot of 'pomp & circumstance' which I wouldn't want all year round but it makes a welcome change to have both outgoing and incoming mayors wearing their regalia. And when they are proposed often some very interesting facts come to light about the person (fortunately all above board!)
I can't usually get there but I managed to attend this month's Friends of Mayhill Washing Lake & Community Food Garden ...
The picnic area being far more welcoming than it has ever been, we are looking forward to our Big Lunch on Sunday 24th June. And we are working on providing an Information Board with the history of the pond.
Over the last few months the garden has, amongst other things, gained another raised bed, and anyone in the surrounding area is welcome to come and make use of either beds to grow fruit & veg. And we have now started calling it the Hillside CFG.
With other meetings I've been to both 'regulars' such as Licensing, and also one-offs, such as attending a review of how Communities 1st has made a difference over Townhill. I'm pleased to say that residents present had a lot of positives to say, so even though it has now been phased out it appears to have done some good.