In the same week met Townhill's newly appointed Local Area Co-ordinator, whose role it will be to support those who may feel isolated, excluded, have challenges such as through a disability. These posts appear to have really taken off in other areas and should be a helpful asset in our ward.
Had one very busy afternoon/evening one Tuesday, with Audit squeezed in the middle. Fortunately my meetings - all 7 of them! - were in the Guildhall building, and with a break between each one wasn't quite as bad as it might sound.
Had a very useful site visit mid month with my fellow councillors & relevant council officer, to discuss how to resolve the issue of grass verges which have been damaged through contractors working in the vicinity. We came up with a couple of suggestions, and now waiting to see how the local residents feel before we progress anything further.
The Friends of group really does go from strength to
strength. Of course there are the odd setbacks but at
our Big Lunch on Sunday 24th the picnic & pond

And we are keeping to our regular litter pick so the next one coming round again, this Sunday 8th July from 2pm.