Sunday, 9 September 2018

Different Bits and Pieces

Not such a busy month and with a smattering of different council related events.

I was invited to join the residents who attend St Nicholas Church Hall every Thursday for their Strawberry Tea.  As well as being made very welcome this included lots of strawberries, lots of cream and lots of cakes - yummy!

Had a special council meeting specifically to appoint (or not) an Assistant Deputy Chief Executive who would also be Director of Resources.  These don't occur that often but like the joke about buses tend to come all at once, as there'd been one less than a month before.  Whilst this is the last stage in the process - the Appointments Committee do a lot of the work getting it down to a final shortlist - it's still good to know that the whole council has a say in deciding who will fill such vital council officer positions.

We met up with officers to look at traffic speeding issues on one the of main roads running through Townhill.  The area has bene
fitted a lot of the past few
years with a number of safety measures, but as with everything else there's always more that can be done, particularly when having to counter the bad habits of some drivers.  I know not everyone will agree but personally I think humps are a good idea and on the whole do work.  But of course it's sensible to use a number of different measures - speed limits, pinch points, paint work, islands etc.

My final council meeting of the month was another 'special' where Audit Committee was considering one document, but an important one as it serves as an overview to effectively and efficiently the whole council works.  For me this was one of those very worthwhile meetings which did more in just half hour than some achieve when lasting hours!
