A rather sombre start to the month, attending two funerals and the Remembrance Service at TOPIC House. Life goes on but sometimes you need to stop and take time to think about those who are no longer with us.
But also early in the month had a very positive meeting at the Washing Pond with an officer from Safer Swansea, to chat about options to deter vandals etc. Hit upon the idea of having a flagpole to fly the flag given for one of community awards the group has been given this year, which not only doubles as a wildlife camera, but of course can also be used to watch out for antisocial behaviour. Triple Whammy!
Same week I went to an interesting workshop-cum-seminar to look at ideas to encourage people from all and any background/s to become a councillor. I did a quick survey of Swansea council before going. Gender ratio not too bad but when it comes to other indicators of diversity such as disability or race we still have a LONG way to go!
As for other events during November ...
- monthly surgery with two takers
- enjoyable evening at the Mansion House celebrating the success of Friends of group, together with Swansea being 50 years old
- a good meeting to discuss Active Travel measures that are being introduced in the ward; these are improvements to pathways and roads to make it easier to get around by bike or walking.
And other meetings in the month included Policy Development, Licensing,
Council and HCDT. The latter, HCDT, is the trust which runs the Phoenix Centre, and has been looking at improving it's marketing, in particular through rebranding and more effective use of social media. If ever you are in the neighbourhood in the morning do call in and get a really tasty breakfast at a very reasonable price!
I have continued to support the setting up of both the two new Friends of groups, and progress has been really positive. Friends of Mayhill Park had a very successful Halloween Disco to promote the group, and another meeting of the Paradise Park volunteers has already resulted in a Facebook Page.
As I am now on the Policy committee for Equalities & Future Generations it was interesting to take part in a small subcommittee discussion on reviewing the aims for the council's Strategic Equality Plan which is currently being updated for 2020-2024. On the face of it maybe a rather dry subject, but I feel it is extremely important that as a council we do all we can to level the playing field for all, such as from race to religion, colour to creed, those with a disability, and sexual orientation to what sex you choose to identify as,
And for something 'completely different', along with my ward
colleagues I went to a very inspiring meeting looking at the new cycle routes which are going to be introduced both in Townhill Ward itself and also leading into it, from other areas. In the past I haven't been keen on cycling, but just might be tempted by an electric bike!
I now have three Friends of groups that I am involved in. As you will know Mayhill Washing 'Lake' & Community Food Garden is doing very well, having won two awards this year. But two new Friends of groups are being formed, one being for Mayhill Park, which is the green space next to the new Health Centre. This has already had two meetings, elected the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, and another meeting is planned for October. The other group is for Paradise Park, which will soon have its second meeting to get it going. I may well have mentioned this before but for me these have a double positive whammy in that they involve and empower people in the community, and is gradually getting across the message that the council not only doesn't do everything but indeed doesn't NEED to be doing everything.
Ever since the inception of Policy Development Committees (PDC) I have been involved with the one looking at Poverty but have now changed tack, having joined the one on Equalities & Transformation. But I'm sure that tackling poverty will still be an element in the work that we do.
Amongst other meetings, we had an interesting Audit meeting which included a session looking at the effectiveness of the committee itself. The feedback will be collated and we will get the results at a session before October's meeting, so watch this space!
And the month's full council meeting had one of those rare performances by yours truly, which if you are interested (or desperate enough!) can be watched on the webcast at
http://civico.net/swansea/swansea/7484, in Item 11.
Summer is always a bit strange as council doesn't actually stop as such, but on the other hand it can mean less meetings. Interestingly I still had quite a few including 3 hours slog of Audit training followed by the actual meeting - worthwhile but quite tiring! - and a number of other council related events.
I managed to attend the quarterly Financial Inclusion meeting. Outside of the formal mandatory ones this is one I aim to get to, as I have always been concerned for the welfare of those who struggle through not having much money. There are many who are quite rightly able to claim benefits but for whatever reason don't - maybe they aren't aware of them, have difficulty in filling in forms, not computer savvy, or even have access to a computer etc etc. I feel that this group tries to do 'what it says on the tin' in looking for practical help & support so people are 'financially included'.
All three of us councillors met with the relevant officer to assess an traffic issue along the residential part at the bottom end of a street. The problem was that vehicles would speed past the houses to get to businesses and the sports club further up the road. Some of these ward issues can take a long time to find the right solution - this one is in fact still ongoing - but better that than a quick fix that doesn't work.
It was also definitely the month for Friends of Groups. First there was a public meeting to see if people living around the Phoenix Centre wanted to take on the kids play area, and maybe more of the surrounding area - very positive with many showing an interest in getting involved. Then we celebrated getting the
Green Flag Community Award at Mayhill pond, with press release and video (fame at last!) Finally we had another open meeting to kick start a group to rejuvenate Mayhill Park, the green space remaining which is next to the new health centre on Mayhill Road. It has been the aim of all three of us to use a chunk of our community budget to pay towards new play equipment. This group taking off could finally see this happen as they would be able to apply for grants to help pay for it. Should be positive times ahead, so watch this space!
There must be something about this year as again I've missed out a month, s here's a catch-up on both June & July. (Hope it's worth the wait!)
Awarding the Freedom of the city is a very special honour and generally occurs occasionally so unusual in that had three in the space of a few weeks. In June it was given to Wales International & Ospreys Rugby player Alun Wyn Jones, then in July for both actress Catherine Zeta Jones, and the 157 (Welsh) Regiment of the
Royal Logistic Corp (RLC). The latter celebrated being granted the freedom of Swansea with a parade and march in the city centre on July 27.
I don't manage to get there very often but attended Armed Forces Day which this year was a prelude to the annual Airshow. As a lot of the stands there are connected in some way with the armed forces it seems a sensible idea to hold it on the same weekend even if not the official day.
I was at the lengthy full Council in June, mainly due to three motions, and I spoke on one of them. I tend not to do this very often as I feel quite strongly there's no point me speaking just for the sake of hearing my own voice (despite the fact that others do precisely that!) And in any case I'd like to think people realise that I only speak when I have something worth saying.
Amongst the 'regulars' there have been Audit, this term's Governor's meeting, and as well as the regular monthly Licensing, it was my turn to attend a one-off subcommittee where I was one of just three members of the committee reviewing a single specific licence application.
All three of us ward councillors went to visit Townhill School, seeing at first hand the enthusiasm of both staff and pupils in turning their central rectangle into a community garden. We also went to inspect Mayhill Park, the area next to the new health centre, meeting up with relevant officers. We were there both to assess it's suitability for the playbus to park there one day in late summer, and also review the future option of redoing the play area. We have been looking for match funding in order to pay for this project, and hopefully in the not too distant future it will finally come to fruition.
May marks the end of one 'municipal' year and the beginning of the next, so it's when we hold the council AGM. As a formal meeting it's one of the most important of the year but it can also be the shortest! And the other annual occasion in May is the changeover of Lord Mayors, a very traditional event full of pomp & ceremony.
Street issues continue to dominate with another two coming to light. These both warranted a meeting, which in both cases turned out to be a very useful start of an ongoing process with the aim of resolving that particular problem.
Other than these the month was generally quite quiet
meetings wise but I am now involved in a group which is addressing period poverty, to help women access sanitary products regardless of their circumstances. End of May saw the launch party -
a well attended event, and very encouraging.
I've obviously blinked for three months as it appears I haven't managed to do this so called regular monthly blog! So a quick catch up with anything other than the usual monthly committee meetings, surgeries etc I attend ...
The Friends of group - Mayhill Washing Lake & (Hillside) Community Food Garden - celebrated it's 2nd Birthday in February, and in March won an award for the progress it has made. It has to be said that this group has been a real success story so far, involving lots of people either volunteering or giving their support in other ways. And we are at last finalising the Information Board that will be situated above the pond & picnic area. So do look out it as I hope it will be there soon (at least by the end of the year!)
Went to first session of Repair Cafe Wales. This is an excellent initiative to encourage people not to throw things away but get them repaired instead ie 'Re-use', just one of the three environmental RRRs. It's in the Phoenix Centre on the first Saturday every month from 10.30 to 1.30pm.
And over the last few weeks all three of us ward councillors have attended a plethora of site visits - seems suddenly, just like buses, a lot of street issues have all come at once!
All councillors were required to undertake a training session looking at our role in an emergency. This rang a chord with me as one of the examples quoted was the fire that occurred last October at the bottom of our garden! Fortunately we were not seriously affected at the time, but the training highlighted what I could have done in my capacity as a councillor, and I would certainly put this into practice if ever the need arises again.
I made a site visit to a resident before my normal monthly surgery, and quite by
coincidence the topic of fixed versus street surgeries came up later in the month at Democratic Services Committee. Personally I feel strongly that there's a place for both. As it happens I carry out my fixed surgery in the Phoenix Cafe which means 1) I'm seen by residents so they know I'm there if they need me 2) I can hand out business cards for anyone to take away, and 3) I am also able to check with staff if they have any issues, confirming the support all of us ward councillors to the continued success of the centre. Street Surgeries are also well worth doing as they show councillors out & about their ward, and hopefully goes some way in dispelling the myth that we are only seen at election time.
Amongst others, couple of other meetings in the month that I have been able to attend in January ...
General Licensing - looks very dry on paper and yet always more interesting than it sounds, and it's never just a 'talking shop' as there's always an actual decision & outcome
Student Liaison - part of its remit is to help tackle misunderstandings between students & other residents, and as such there's representation from all interested parties including the Student's Union, and a dedicated Student Liaison member of staff.
December isn't necessarily a quiet month, but it just so happened I didn't have so many meetings. Of those I did have was the Phoenix Centre Trust's Annual General Meeting, both positive and short! I was then over to St Nicholas Church just opposite, to join the Voices on the Hill in singing a couple of carols. We were just one of the 'acts' at this community service - an excellent annual event, always a church full.
Amongst the fewer 'regulars' I went to the Poverty committee, where along with other topics, we continued to assess how the local Have a Heart scheme supporting the homeless has been doing. This part of the national Diverted Giving project, which recommends donating money to collection boxes in certain retail shops rather than direct to those who are homeless and on the streets.
Not so regular I attended the once-a-term Governor's meeting at Dylan Thomas. As these are relatively infrequent I was pleased to get there to keep myself in touch with how the school is progressing, and lend whatever support I can. It's always good to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the teachers who on are the committee.
Behind the scenes, as it were, a consultation has been launched to make residents aware of the proposal for housing to be built on the now vacant Townhill Campus site. I aim to be involved in future discussions to do as much as I can to ensure a good outcome.