Sunday, 13 January 2019

A fairly quiet ride into Christmas ...

December isn't necessarily a quiet month, but it just so happened I didn't have so many meetings.  Of those I did have was the Phoenix Centre Trust's Annual General Meeting, both positive and short!  I was then over to St Nicholas Church just opposite, to join the Voices on the Hill in singing a couple of carols.  We were just one of the 'acts' at this community service - an excellent annual event, always a church full.

Amongst the fewer 'regulars' I went to the Poverty committee, where along with other topics, we continued to assess how the local Have a Heart scheme supporting the homeless has been doing.  This part of the national Diverted Giving project, which recommends donating money to collection boxes in certain retail shops rather than direct to those who are homeless and on the streets.  

Not so regular I attended the once-a-term Governor's meeting at Dylan Thomas.  As these are relatively infrequent I was pleased to get there to keep myself in touch with how the school is progressing, and lend whatever support I can.  It's always good to see the enthusiasm and commitment of the teachers who on are the committee.

Behind the scenes, as it were, a consultation has been launched to make residents aware of the proposal for housing to be built on the now vacant Townhill Campus site.  I aim to be involved in future discussions to do as much as I can to ensure a good outcome.
