All councillors were required to undertake a training session looking at our role in an emergency. This rang a chord with me as one of the examples quoted was the fire that occurred last October at the bottom of our garden! Fortunately we were not seriously affected at the time, but the training highlighted what I could have done in my capacity as a councillor, and I would certainly put this into practice if ever the need arises again.
I made a site visit to a resident before my normal monthly surgery, and quite by
coincidence the topic of fixed versus street surgeries came up later in the month at Democratic Services Committee. Personally I feel strongly that there's a place for both. As it happens I carry out my fixed surgery in the Phoenix Cafe which means 1) I'm seen by residents so they know I'm there if they need me 2) I can hand out business cards for anyone to take away, and 3) I am also able to check with staff if they have any issues, confirming the support all of us ward councillors to the continued success of the centre. Street Surgeries are also well worth doing as they show councillors out & about their ward, and hopefully goes some way in dispelling the myth that we are only seen at election time.
Amongst others, couple of other meetings in the month that I have been able to attend in January ...
General Licensing - looks very dry on paper and yet always more interesting than it sounds, and it's never just a 'talking shop' as there's always an actual decision & outcome
Student Liaison - part of its remit is to help tackle misunderstandings between students & other residents, and as such there's representation from all interested parties including the Student's Union, and a dedicated Student Liaison member of staff.