The Friends of group - Mayhill Washing Lake & (Hillside) Community Food Garden - celebrated it's 2nd Birthday in February, and in March won an award for the progress it has made. It has to be said that this group has been a real success story so far, involving lots of people either volunteering or giving their support in other ways. And we are at last finalising the Information Board that will be situated above the pond & picnic area. So do look out it as I hope it will be there soon (at least by the end of the year!)
Went to first session of Repair Cafe Wales. This is an excellent initiative to encourage people not to throw things away but get them repaired instead ie 'Re-use', just one of the three environmental RRRs. It's in the Phoenix Centre on the first Saturday every month from 10.30 to 1.30pm.
And over the last few weeks all three of us ward councillors have attended a plethora of site visits - seems suddenly, just like buses, a lot of street issues have all come at once!