Wednesday, 5 June 2019

From pomp to circumstances

May marks the end of one 'municipal' year and the beginning of the next, so it's when we hold the council AGM.  As a formal meeting it's one of the most important of the year but it can also be the shortest!  And the other annual occasion in May is the changeover of Lord Mayors, a very traditional event full of pomp & ceremony.

Street issues continue to dominate with another two coming to light.  These both warranted a meeting, which in both cases turned out to be a very useful start of an ongoing process with the aim of resolving that particular problem.

Other than these the month was generally quite quiet

meetings wise but I am now involved in a group which is addressing period poverty, to help women access sanitary products regardless of their circumstances.  End of May saw the launch party - 
a well attended event, and very encouraging.
