Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Still carrying on


I don’t know what has happened to the last few months.  Good intentions and all that but 6 months have whizzed by without me posting a blog!

I could complain that the last few months have been a difficult time for me.  But I’d have very little right to when compared with others – those in care homes who for much of the time haven’t been able to have visitors, those who live on their own and have had to keep self isolating, those who run a business which has lost trade.  Just a few examples from a long list, plus the amazing efforts of all NHS and all other front facing staff!  So instead I’ll take a positive, and brief, look back …

I have kept well and been able to attend council meetings as usual, albeit via MS Teams mostly, and the occasional Zoom.  And I am very grateful for it as it has kept me sane – just!  And another big thanks goes to all council staff - they have definitely managed to pull a very big rabbit out of the hat in keeping all council services going despite this horrible unrelenting pandemic.

I think I’ll finish by wishing you all Greetings of the Season in the hope that we are looking forward to a better New Year in 2021.


Wednesday, 17 June 2020

A Different Way

Two months down the line I’m now in a position to restart my councillor blog posts. 

Whilst meetings are not taking place in actual committee rooms they have recommenced through the wonders of technology, MS Teams to be specific.  And since the pandemic set in I have also been required to regularly check WhatsApp – very useful in disseminating information quickly regarding council actions - and relaunched my personal Facebook page as a social outlet to help occupy friends and family during lockdown.  All in all a pretty
steep learning curve! 
So what meetings have I attended on line, and what’s it like?  Well so far I have ‘been to’ Licensing, Audit, coronavirus briefings, ward team meetings, and one full Council albeit as short as possible within legal confines.  And re the latter, if anyone has used MS Teams themselves, or any of the similar software like Zoom and Houseparty, you will know that you simply sit in front of your computer, smart phone, pad, or whatever, and whilst talking does go on, stare at a screen for however long the meeting takes.  The fiddliest aspect is remembering to turn your speaker off when you’re not talking and on when you need to – rather frustrating to start what you believe is a worthy speech only to realise no-one can hear you!


Monday, 6 April 2020

A Month of Two Halves

First half ...
Things relatively normal, attending meetings as usual.  Of note was another first for me, as I had put a question to council which was on the agenda - this is where any back bencher can raise an issue with the relevant cabinet member by putting a written question.  I even asked a supplementary question so a double whammy! 

Second half ...
This is when advice slowly started to trickle through from the government curtailing activity because of coronavirus.  As with everything & everyone else, we have had to change the way in which council is run, starting with ceasing moreorless all face to face meetings, site visits, and all other events.  There is the possibility that some meetings will reconvene online, and we have all been encouraged to get into using the council's recommended platform to do so. A bit of a steep learning curve for me but at least I can now join arranged meetings when required.

As someone with an underlying health issue I'm gearing myself for at least a 12 week self isolation stint at home.  But I'm very lucky - have a nice room I use as an office, can look out at my lovely garden (which fortunately my husband takes care of) which is currently bursting with daffodils & tulips.  And I have lots of things to keep myself busy, including any council work I can do from home.  So the blog will probably be on hold for now.  Back in the summer - I hope. 

Strange times, indeed.


Sunday, 8 March 2020

Fewer meetings, still plenty to do

Slightly different start to the month when some of the Friends of Mayhill Washing Lake group assembled there to decide where we would have a flag-cum-cctv-pole.  We want to fly our Green Flag Community Award flag, and also have a camera to keep an eye on antisocial behaviour, hopefully even act as a bit of a deterrent, but on a positive note to monitor any wildlife.  It will be interesting to find out what turns up when we aren't there!

Managed to get to the quarterly FISG meeting - Financial Inclusion Steering Group (what a mouthful!).  One of the best aspects of this group is that by getting together all the agencies in the area who are involved in helping those on low incomes, we are able to avoid duplication so that everything we all do is worthwhile.  It's also quite a positive arena, as you come away realising that you've been with a lot of likeminded people who are not just concerned about themselves but bother about the wellbeing of others.

Also got to both meetings for the two new Friends of

groups.   Whilst both have experienced issues getting everything in place, both committees are peopled by 
those who obviously want to achieve the aims of the 
group, and are willing to put the effort in.  So for me
another source of encouragement in a very uncertain 


Monday, 10 February 2020

Time flies twice as fast - again!

Time goes so fast that another 2 months have flown by so I'll fill you all in on the last couple of months.

So that means there have been 2 of ...

* General Licensing - usual smattering of taxi driver licence application cases to consider
* Litterpick with the Friends of group, at & above the pond, Mayhill - for some reason it's always windy!
* Audit Committee - included some training before December's meeting, quite a heavy going three 3 hours worth in total
* Policy Development Committees - but not the same one! I have been on the Equalities one for a while, looking at all aspects in how to achieve an equal approach in all that the council does, and I'm back on Poverty, which I think fits in very well, as those less well off are often not treated fairly and as a council I feel we need to be doing all we can to change that.

But only one of ...

* Dylan Thomas Community School Governor's meeting then back to St Peter's Church for their Christmas Concert - a good event as always, with the usual very talented pupils showing off their music skills
* Phoenix Centre Lantern Parade - couldn't stay for the parade itself which was
definitely fortuitous as the heavens opened, plus thunder & lightning (must have known!)
* No council December but back in January - sadly the announcements included quite a few past councillors who have passed away recently
* Hill Community Development Trust board meeting - a good meeting, very positive.

Let's hope I'm more on the ball at the end of February and manage to return to a monthly posting!
