So that means there have been 2 of ...
* General Licensing - usual smattering of taxi driver licence application cases to consider
* Litterpick with the Friends of group, at & above the pond, Mayhill - for some reason it's always windy!
* Audit Committee - included some training before December's meeting, quite a heavy going three 3 hours worth in total
* Policy Development Committees - but not the same one! I have been on the Equalities one for a while, looking at all aspects in how to achieve an equal approach in all that the council does, and I'm back on Poverty, which I think fits in very well, as those less well off are often not treated fairly and as a council I feel we need to be doing all we can to change that.
But only one of ...
* Dylan Thomas Community School Governor's meeting then back to St Peter's Church for their Christmas Concert - a good event as always, with the usual very talented pupils showing off their music skills
* Phoenix Centre Lantern Parade - couldn't stay for the parade itself which was

* No council December but back in January - sadly the announcements included quite a few past councillors who have passed away recently
* Hill Community Development Trust board meeting - a good meeting, very positive.
Let's hope I'm more on the ball at the end of February and manage to return to a monthly posting!