As you will all know we have been in Alert 4, the most serious Covid level, for a number of weeks now but meetings still go on, a mixture of MS Teams & Zoom. These meetings on the whole have gone quite smoothly, which when you consider how many things could go wrong – lose sound, picture disappears, recording won’t work – I for one am pleasantly surprised.
So in fact have had most of the ‘usual suspects’ with Audit, all 3 policy development committees that I’m on, full council, plus regular updates from the Leader to keep us aware of the situation with Covid, both the infection rates, and vaccinations being done.
With regard to council meetings the latest development has been getting used to voting on line. This again has been OK for me on my laptop but I get the impression that it’s more temperamental when using a pad or phone. So far so good but better not shout too loud!