Resumed some of the usual meetings in May, including a double dose of licensing. The cases that come before us mostly concern taxi drivers, and to help us make the right decision in we have a set of guidelines to refer to. And whilst on the face of it so often the circumstances are similar there always seems to be something slightly different to get our teeth into.
The Bad News …
Sadly an incident occurred during the month where a number of residents in that area of Townhill ward were badly affected by the stupid actions of some very selfish individuals.
But then the Good News …
Absolutely amazing how neighbours from not just the immediate area but all across Swansea have got together offering help, gifts, and general support. And I am proud of the immediate response from the council officers, our leader Cllr Rob Stewart, and all local councillors. Whilst the consequences won’t miraculously go away overnight at least measures put in place are trying to address the issues and I sincerely hope this will give some comfort to those living there.