Fairly quiet on the standard meetings front in January but a couple of events to mention …
Firstly, although disappointed I wasn’t able to get to the event myself, I always support recognising Holocaust Day. From feedback I’ve had the session went very well with inspirational speakers still reminding us of the importance not to forget this damning part of history.
I also attended a briefing on the future for the council’s local development plan, a hefty document taking into account all issues around future developments in particular housing. Since then I have also joined the working group looking at this in more details.
February has made progress on two environmental projects in the offing, and which I certainly hope both take off …
As I’ve mentioned before we’ve been looking at making improvements to the roundabout off Graiglwyd Road, and in February had a drop-in session in the Phoenix Centre. The response was really encouraging with not a single negative comment. The funding is there, and the plans are being finalised, so it’s all looking promising.
And also as mentioned previously, regarding the goats grazing project, the Community Farm in Swansea has suggested that we make use of an area along the Hillside corridor. They would organise the project, and train any volunteers who express an interest in taking it on.
Towards the end of the month it was good to see
