Thursday, 24 May 2012

And more induction!

Years ago you got a job and had to get on with it, in at the deep end where you either swam or sank.  Sadly there are still organisations that think this is acceptable, so it’s very refreshing when you come across one that realises induction can benefit not just the new employee but the organisation itself.  And I have to say the sessions, whilst pretty heavy going at times,  have all been very helpful and run by officers who know their stuff, are willing to share it, and to answer anything put to them - as one remarked ‘ there are no silly questions’ which I find very heartening.  And fortunately for me I’m pleasantly surprised how much knowledge I’ve gained over the years, about councils, how they work etc.  It's great to have so much of it affirmed, so I haven’t been completely overwhelmed with new information.

Tuesday 15th - my first ever ‘full’ council meeting!  But not here - this is where councillors used to meet, but since the 'new' civic centre was built we hold them all in the chamber there.

The former Council Chamber, Guildhall

Since then I have fitted in more induction (whilst preparing Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) draft budgets for 12-13 – I’m Treasurer of the branch here in Swansea but also Regional Treasurer, which covers the whole of South Wales, and as such I co-ordinate all the other 5 branch budgets as well!) and finished the week by going to ‘Labour Group Annual General Meeting (AGM) Part 2’ yesterday afternoon.  “What?”  To explain, each lot of councillors belonging to the same party will almost definitely form it’s own ‘group’ to meet regularly, especially before a full council meeting.  So not surprisingly us Labour Councillors call ours ‘Labour Group’ and historically (not sure why) the AGM gets split into 2, the first one to elect Leader & Deputy, and confirm who the Lord Mayor & Deputy will be.  In this second one we finished electing those who would run the Labour Group on a day to day basis - Chair, Treasurer etc - but also learnt who’d got the cabinet posts ie the people who would take lead responsibility for a specific area of council policy – some old hands and some fresh blood, but definitely not me as I’m only just coping with the being-a-councillor bit!  

Next week I find out whether or not I get on the committees & outside bodies I've asked for so watch this space!


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