Sunday, 10 June 2012

Famous Last Words, Forms, and the Lord Mayor

Programme Cover - Lord Mayor's Inauguration
Some say a week is a long time in politics, and for any of you who might be starting to think this is true let me point out that it’s been TWO weeks since I last posted to this blog!  I’ve had a few days away (didn’t quite get the rest I could have done with but that’s another story!!) so I’ll begin with a brief resume of the week before last …

For starters why oh why did I finish the previous week’s blog with ‘… (next week) will be a bit quieter …’ – talk about tempting fate!  I had two possible meetings Monday, although as they overlapped was unable to get to both so went to the launch of a new work club initiative, then another on Tuesday to finalise all election returns, which I then completed and dropped into the council offices along with other forms etc, and although not going til Friday evening, in theory on leave from Wednesday!  Fortunately the rest of the week tailed off a bit so I was able to address far more important matters like what earings to pack etc.

Incidentally have I mentioned all the FORMS?!!!  Actually there haven’t been that many but I have a real aversion to filling them out, even when they only require name & address.  Believe it or not that’s not as easy as it sounds cos I always ask myself ‘do they need my middle name?’ and ‘do I put Lórien House or does that look pretentious?’  Arghhhhhhhhh

We came back in time to attend the Lord Mayor’s Inauguration – quite a ceremonial affair with, amongst others, the High Sherriff, and Deputy Recorder (no, I don’t know what that is either!) in attendance.  One felt that the occasion needed the sound of trumpets to give it suitable gravitas, but instead somehow the sound of Marillion’s pop single ‘Kayleigh’ came wafting into the hall - not quite what I’d have chosen!


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