I know, I know, late with the blog again! Have I any excuses? Loads probably but let’s just get on with it …
Talking of excuses, in the first week of October I had an excellent one for missing a meeting – I managed to fall UP a hill!! My knees aren’t great at the best of times, and after my fall the left one looked like I’d done a few rounds with Mike Tyson, so Doctor Jeff advised rest. Funnily enough I didn’t disagree!
But before you get the wrong idea, the last three weeks have been pretty busy
with a number of formal council meetings, one lasting almost 4 hours, and informal meetings with officers, fellow ward councillors etc etc, plus other events, surgeries, and doing casework. And there is the small matter of running a business, including working on my tax return!
And yet still something new – finance sub-committee for Seaview. I’ve been to hundreds of meetings in my time and read lots of financial reports so this one stands out. Why? It was the first time I can recall having looked at one and more or less understood it before an explanation. And there have been plenty where I’ve still not got a clue AFTERWARDS!
Whilst not my in role as a councillor I will finish by saying I had what I feel was a very worthwhile Saturday spent in London on the A Future that Works march. Question is, unless something drastic happens, will it?
Pretty busy these last two weeks ie up to the end of September (OK I know this blog posting is three days overdue!) what with having quite a bit of business work as well as council duties.
Mainly meetings outside council eg regular Phoenix Centre surgery, branch meeting, and yet another first – Seaview Governors meetings. A lot of it was taken up with what sub-committees we would be prepared to go on. Now I just need to do the training to help me know what I’m going to be doing!And of course it’s not just meetings and surgeries which show you are bothered about your ward – socials can play a role too. The former Fairfield Club, now the West End Football & Social Club, on Townhill Road, had their relaunch on the 22nd. I’ve passed it many times and never knew just how big it is, with a ‘tidy’ sized function room. It was an evening with a difference – as well as your standard food, drink, disco & raffle, they held a question & answer session with a panel of football players present and past including current Wales Coach Chris Coleman. Beat that!Les