Talking of excuses, in the first week of October I had an excellent one for missing a meeting – I managed to fall UP a hill!! My knees aren’t great at the best of times, and after my fall the left one looked like I’d done a few rounds with Mike Tyson, so Doctor Jeff advised rest. Funnily enough I didn’t disagree!
But before you get the wrong idea, the last three weeks have been pretty busy

And yet still something new – finance sub-committee for Seaview. I’ve been to hundreds of meetings in my time and read lots of financial reports so this one stands out. Why? It was the first time I can recall having looked at one and more or less understood it before an explanation. And there have been plenty where I’ve still not got a clue AFTERWARDS!
Whilst not my in role as a councillor I will finish by saying I had what I feel was a very worthwhile Saturday spent in London on the A Future that Works march. Question is, unless something drastic happens, will it?
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