Firstly, along with various officers and one of my fellow ward councillors, I undertook a very interesting, useful and positive ‘walkabout’ around Mayhill. You may recall in my last blog I said all three of us had been looking to get some street improvements carried out. This walkabout followed on from those discussions and in doing so I was able to see for myself some of the environmental issues in the area. As we went round we all pretty much agreed on a number of actions which would help enhance the area – not major work so not too costly but enough to make a difference and show that we were bothering. The next step is some form of consultation with residents, to make sure we have their support in the main. And for someone like me who spends most of my day in a sedentary position, an added bonus of the exercise was just that – the exercise!
The second? Well apart from the usual plethora of meetings there was full council on Tuesday. And for me yet another first even after 18 months, my maiden speech. I’ve always said that I’m not bothering to waste my time and everyone elses by just talking for talkings sake - there are plenty who do that already! So I’ve bided my time until now. I spoke on a motion about payday lenders and other legal loan sharks, and how to curtail their activities – I feel very strongly that they are parasites, making money off people who haven't got it. Apparently recent stats have them raking in £1 million a week! After the proposer did his bit, it was then seconded by the Leader who in turn very graciously passed on to me to give my speech. Must have been OK as I was applauded!! And I'm very pleased that I’m pretty sure everyone present, including the opposition, voted for it anyway.
Many of us are out tomorrow afternoon in the city centre, asking Jo & Jill Public what they think. There was a very good item on TV last night highlighting the issue. It included the amazing mums from Bonymaen. They had who kicked all this off in the first place by realising they were being ripped off, decided they'd had enough of it, and were going to fight back. It’s been a privilege fighting the cause alongside them.
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