As well as the regulars - Audit, Licensing, Poverty policy group, and Council - I attended two Scrutiny Working Groups on totally different topics, one being Hate Crime and the other Car Parking Charges.
The former assessed the progress the council has been making to address this issue, sadly on the increase and affecting numerous & wide ranging 'minority' groups. On the whole I'm pleased to say we are at least going in the right direction but as ever there's no room for complacency and there's always more we can be doing.
Talking politically with a small 'p' I have never understood how anyone can judge someone else because there is something different about them. The fact is we are all different - I may have a doppleganger somewhere but you can bet she will not have exactly the same interests, views, personality etc etc. and the world would be worse off if this wasn't the case. Variety - in everything from colour & race, to language & opinions - definitely is the spice of life. And how on earth can someone hate someone else they have never even met?!
In complete contrast the Car Parking Charges meeting threw up some interesting concerns from members of the public regarding some of Swansea foreshore car parks. This was followed by an interesting (yes, really!) discussion raising a number of points about how car parks will fit into the future of Swansea, in the city, around Mumbles & on Gower. And it made me realise that something you would have thought would be fairly straightforward, that is how council car parks should be run and in particular what to charge, is in fact far more complex that at first it appears. This is mainly and importantly because they do not 'stand alone' but to work well they need to be assessed as part of the bigger picture alongside all other aspects regarding transport.
(And being slightly frivolous, I do find the pay machines rather stressful when you have to put in your car registration - there's nothing more embarrassing than standing there, far away from where you have parked it, trying to remember!)
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