Sunday, 14 January 2024

2023 draws to a close

 I attended a smattering of briefings & training sessions including one on personal safety which is sadly is becoming increasingly important.  Triggered initially by the awful murder of MP Jo Cox, more and more politicians are being targeted so obviously it’s sensible to be aware of our surroundings, and follow simple rules like avoiding dark areas, not being on our own.   
Another was on cyber training, highlighting the potential issues should any of us fall foul to a cyber attack.  An example was given as to how this had happened to an authority in England, and its far reaching consequences which were still being felt three years on.  
And the Unity over Division Awareness session was extremely helpful for me as Diversity Champion.  It gave me a lot more clarity as to why the council had signed up to this pledge, my role in applying it, and how it applies to all staff, in particular how to recognise comments which are not banter and that they need to be challenged.

I went to the usual council meetings although the December one was brightened up considerably with all the Christmas jumpers.  I of course stuck to my black ‘Bah Humbug’ hat!

I’m very pleased to say that our monthly meetings with the local policing team still prove very worthwhile, and it was also useful to get together with a new PCSO at my last surgery in December.  Long may this really positive set up between councillors and the police continue.

The Friends of group again attended the Green Fare in November.  It seemed a lot busier than in previous years, and Guess the Weight of our own grown vegetable, this year a pumpkin, proved a winner yet again.

I think one of the loveliest events of the year is the Lantern Parade which is a walk from & around the Phoenix Centre.  In the weeks leading up to it children of all ages make lanterns with paper and a simple stick frame with a light inside.  It is so effective, and it’s always a pleasure joining them at the start.


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