Wednesday 11 September 2024

Summer Season

 A busy July off an on, including attending an online session on the regional transport plan. 
As transport doesn’t just sit neatly within the boundaries of one local authority but of course  interconnects with others, this is taking the logical approach by viewing any plan for the future on a regional perspective.

Jeff came with me to the Family Funday at TOPIC House.  Members of Circus Eruption were there to entertain the children (& adults!).  Held in the garden partly to review how to make use of it for growing flowers & vegetables, it was well attended despite the on/off rain.  They even had a couple of goats!

To fit in with my Diversity Champion hat, I find it far easier to attend the LGBTQ+ Forum meetings now they are held online.  And this meeting was so positive it was well worth be there.

Other than that was the usual mix of other meetings & events, including Licensing, two committees which in part look at tackling poverty, and Governance & Audit training – we’ve been having quite a few sessions and whilst refreshers for me still very useful.

August, whilst normally a quieter month, still had some council work, starting with a Trustees meeting, but as it happens we do a lot now is by email.  The dedicated officer has been working hard at opening up access to more of the funding from legacies left in the past which have become dormant.  Two funds I’m especially pleased about both give one-off support to those financially struggling, usually families where it means both parents and children benefit.  It is so gratifying to be able to make even just a small difference, and I feel very fortunate that I am able to do so simply by being on this committee.


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