Saturday, 13 July 2013

Ups & Downs

As you all know I’ve been a councillor for over a year now but I’m sure most of you will understand when I say there’s still lots to learn – indeed I’m sure you never stop!  And sometimes you might move to another committee covering an area of the council’s remit which you haven’t done before.  And so it is with me, with yet another new learning curve for me to get to grips with, and with which I may need some help.  As it happens one of the meetings I was at last week included looking at specific training requests from councillors, so we could decide how these are to be met.  I am certainly very pleased that the authority takes this seriously, clearly understanding the importance of enabling us to effectively carry out our roles.  
Of course even at those meetings & events where I feel confident in myself, that is I have gained a good understanding and can ‘feel’ the purpose of meeting hence can contribute to its goals, this still requires a high level of commitment on my part.  So it’s always good to have a bit of light relief such as an event in the ward last week, where I turned up too early to draw the raffle so went away again.  And even better, there was the meeting later the same day in a community centre, where we ended up holding it in the kitchen (don't ask!) whilst being blasted from both sides by loud music!

And fortunately the rest of life has its bright spots – a lovely long weekend away, great weather for our annual BBQ chez nous, the Lions winning the rugby test series, and at last a British Men’s Tennis Champion at Wimbledon.  (After 77 of years of waiting I really don’t think I could have faced another year of the TV commentators going on, and on, and on … )


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