Did my usual monthly surgery, meeting up with a couple of residents, after which I had a mini meeting with parents, both ex-governors, to start looking at how to set up a credit union collection point in one of the local junior schools. I expect some of you will have noticed the following irony – at the same time as payday loan companies are on the increase, who prey on those in financial difficulties to persuade them they need a loan fast which gets them into more debt than they were before, yet finally credit unions are getting the press coverage they need & deserve. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury has been promoting them (although this was a tad spoilt by the revelation that some of the Church’s money is invested in Wonga!)
In this last week, after my recuperation, I have slowly got back into the swing of things by attending a few meetings. One of these, on Wednesday, was concerning a scrutiny panel that I am on – Wellbeing & Attainment of Children & Young People. We are nearing the end of this process, which is yet again a first for me. Over the months we have done a lot of work to assess how well educational establishments are ensuring the wellbeing of their pupils & students, how this relates to attainment, gathering of a large amount of information & evidence, and consulting with many relevant professionals along the way. So at that meeting we made a good start on deciding what recommendations we are going make as the way forward. These will eventually go to cabinet with the aim that they then get actioned.

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