Student Liaison felt a bit deja vuish – these meetings are not that frequent so I suppose it’s understandable that they go over the same ground to a certain extent. And it’s quite a big group so not easy to make practical decisions, so I found it heartening that we formed a subgroup to do just that. I am sure this is the best way forward.
Went to a very successful community event in Paradise Park – Teddy Bear’s Picnic – with lots of helpful & interesting stands & activities aimed at families. Without a doubt one of the highlights was a police car where kids could have a go at activating the siren – the PCSO must have been deaf by the end of the day! I was there particularly to support the anti-food waste stand, which was doing a great job handing out loads of kitchen waste boxes.
They were also promoting the Real Nappy campaign
where families can get £100 worth for free.

Equalities Wednesday and what could have been the driest meeting of all which was actually quite interesting – an overview of the 2011 census data. Makes you realise just how much councils up & down the country must depend on this information in order to use their resources as effectively as possible.
Unfortunately later that same evening Jeff & I were mugged which put a slight dampener on things. However we think ourselves every lucky that we weren’t badly hurt, and they didn’t get away with my handbag – it always amazes me how instinctively stubborn (possibly foolish as well) I can be, but there was no way they were having it!
Most of this week I have been following up casework with just the one meeting – another scrutiny panel that I’m relatively new to, basically looking at the effectiveness of various council services, something which I feel is going to be increasingly important in the years to come.
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