Monday, 16 July 2012

Something new every day, and a lot of acronyms

Monday pm had the OSC, Overview & Scrutiny Conference I mentioned last week, for all those councillors involved. It was noticeable, but maybe not surprising, that the preferred areas to look at overlapped so much. For instance public transport is not just getting from a to b, but can also be the difference between getting/keeping a job or not. 

Tuesday morning I went up to Seaview school for their 6th form leavers assembly – what talented kids!  Amongst other things a large group of them performed a contemporary dance piece, something I doubt most adults could have done. 

I then went straight on to TOPIC (The Older People’s Information Centre) House PACT (Police & Communities Together) meeting.  This centre is open to all ‘older’ people from Swansea, and this particular meeting allows them to raise issues that can have implications on policing in their areas.  (hey had a cake sale the other week and to the lady who’d made the fruitcake I’d bought I was able to report back very favourably Jeff had made sure it wasn’t around for long!)

Wednesday – very early on in my councillor role, (and in a moment of ‘saying yes when I should have said no’!) I agreed to go on the Seaview D&DC, Disciplinary & Dismissal committee.  After weeks of changed dates finally got to the day of the hearing.  And reason I should have said ‘no’?  Well, a few really …  For one it’s quite a responsibility as you are going be one of three making the decision as to whether or not  someone gets the sack.  Also, it took hours to read up the associated paperwork – a ‘job’ in itself – and we’ve already sat through a half day on the hearing, and as it didn’t get resolved will have to meet up again in the Autumn after the start of term.  As it happens I think the three of us on the panel worked well together so perhaps it was meant to be.

Straight on to another meeting, the first of DSC, Democratic Services Committee – the overview body assessing ‘adequacy & provision of staff, accommodation, and other resources’ ie to ensure the council officers are able to efficiently/effectively carry out their duties.  This meeting was possibly the shortest I’ve ever been to, at just under 15 minutes – very unlikely to be repeated!

Thursday was a ‘planning’ double whammy – training followed by the ‘real thing!  The council officers have decided to rename the main ‘planning’ committee, in which all councillor participate, as DMCC, Development Management & Control Committee, on the basis that the new title better reflects its purpose.  But both in the training notes and the committee papers they are still using the term ’planning’!

With regards to the actual meeting, I thought it would be the ‘dryest’ on record but it was in fact quite interesting.  Part of it covered a vote on agreeing to the LDP, Local Development Plan document, to take it forward to the consultation stage, and there were quite a few comments from the floor.  Thank goodness I went to the meeting recently on it, as I had some idea of what they were all talking about!

And Friday, at last a day of rest, from the council that is, as plenty to be doing on the business instead!!!


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