Had a break from formal stuff until Wednesday when I went to my last (I think?) training session. It was on Equalities – what a huge area covered by just that one word. A number of people have in the past pointed out that as everyone is different you cannot treat everyone equally. Maybe not but what you can do is your utmost to treat them all fairly. There are all the obvious factors that need to be considered, like race, religion, sexual orientation etc but treating people fairly really does cut across everything, and there are times when you really do need to think ‘outside the box’. One of the short film clips we were shown was a good illustration - a couple both suffering from dementia had reverted back to the language they grew up with, yet they were provided with care assistants who spoke in another language - certainly not fair, and possibly, even probably, did more harm than good.

The rest of the week was ‘Civic-Centre-less’ which meant I could do some more background work - reading, research etc - whilst still keeping on top of business. But I didn’t get completely away with it as on a Friday anything left in your pigeon hole is delivered by courier – my weekend reading would be the agenda for the next council meeting, quite small really at only just over 100 pages!!
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