Was going to a meeting Monday morning but it got cancelled. Later in the week I learn that there wouldn’t have been any real point in me going anyway - how weird is that! The Monday afternoon one, however, did go ahead - a rather dry affair looking at what is now called the LDP. The Local Development Plan is a document outlining proposed plans for future housing in the city & county. This particular plan will eventually take over from
where the Unitary DP leaves off around 2015/6. (Admittedly there is a
difference in the process how it will be formulated but in essence it will still be serving the same purpose so no, I don’t know why these names have to change
The committee itself is one of those slightly surreal groups as it’s a monitoring body rather than decision making. Also although occasionally you might have a meeting in between, these usually only crop up every six months – I might have forgotten it all by then!
For me decisions are always a bit of a trial. I’d already made one to attend a particular AGM more or less as soon as I received the ‘invite’. It wasn’t vital that I go but could have been quite useful. Then just before I went I changed my mind!
Wednesday late afternoon I had my first People scrutiny meeting – this is one of three such committees which holds the cabinet (the group which effectively runs the council) to account but is also there to give help & support. We made a start at looking at what our future workload might be, and Monday we have a conference to bring it all together.
(see left 'red' Cabinet - do you get it?!)
Thursday evening joined both councillors at one of the evening surgeries, where we were able to have a good catch-up, something I found not just useful but essential. Some wards just have the one councillor which isn’t necessarily a bad thing as you know the only person you have to rely on is yourself! However I’m definitely happier being in a ward where there’s more than one. At times it has been quite difficult for me – with a new council you have the contradiction of starting all over, yet whilst I was being ‘induced’ everything else still carried on!
But the role is gradually taking more shape, and with the support I’ve had from both fellow councillors I feel I’m getting to grips with the survival ground rules, number one being a councillor is no good to anybody if you don’t say ‘No’. Probably sounds obvious but it’s all about priorities. It wont always be easy to, and I wont always make, the right decisions but each time we meet I feel just that bit more prepared (and less scared!).
And Friday had a day off!
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